Welcome to Recall
Internet conversations can be noisy, overwhelming spaces.
Enter Recall: your personal comments section for the internet.
Recall is a tool designed to let you add a private comments section to any webpage. To get started, you can select text on a webpage and create a note.
What are Notes?
Notes are the thoughts that you capture with Recall. They are searchable, editable comments that you leave can leave on any website. When you want to access a Note later, you can search for it under "My Notes" and Recall will take you back to the your Note with your original text selection highlighted for reference.
Can I use Notes with others?
Yes! By default, only you can see your Notes. If you want to let others see your Note and reply to it, tag them with an @mention when writing your Note. Recall let's you tag any Google Contact. If you want someone outside of your Google Contacts to see your Note, you can send them a link directly to your Note.
Can I keep my Notes private?
Absolutely. By default, all Notes you create are private. Others can see your Notes only if they are tagged in your Note, or if you send someone a link to your Note directly.
What are Reading Lists?
Reading lists are a simple way to collect your Notes into a list that can be shared with others. Just like individual Notes, these can be private, or public if you choose to generate a share link for your list. Right now, you can create and add to lists from the Recall extension, and you can generate a share list from the web app at
More questions?
Email us at and we'll reply as quickly as we can!
Welcome to Recall
Internet conversations can be noisy, overwhelming spaces.
Enter Recall: your personal comments section for the internet.
Recall is a tool designed to let you add a private comments section to any webpage. To get started, you can select text on a webpage and create a note.
What are Notes?
Notes are the thoughts that you capture with Recall. They searchable, editable comments that you leave can leave on any website. When you want to access a note later, you can search for it under "My Notes" and Recall will take you back to the your note with your original text selection highlighted for reference.
Can I use notes with others?
Yes! By default, only you can see your notes. If you want to let others see your notes and reply to them, tag them with an @mention when writing your note. Recall let's you tag any Google Contact. If you want someone outside of your Google Contacts to see your note, you can send them a link directly to your note.
Can I keep my notes private?
Absolutely. By default, all notes you create are private. Others can see your notes only if they are tagged in your note, or if you send someone a link to your note directly.
What are Reading Lists?
Reading lists are a simple way to collect your notes into a list that can be shared with others. Just like notes, these can be private, or public if you choose to generate a share link for your list. Right now, you can create and add to lists from the Recall extension, and you can generate a share list from the web app at
More questions?
Email us at and we'll reply as quickly as we can!
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